On this page I will post patterns and tutorials that I have created. In addition, there are some links at the bottom of the page to helpful patterns and tutorials created by other people. All patterns I make are free to use. See the "About" page for more specifics about the patterns I make.
- Patterns/tutorials that others have made:
- Nichet Crochet - Here are some really cool opossum (and raccoon) crochet patterns. These are some of my personal favorites to make and they have really clear instructions.
- Clothes making channel - If you are just starting to learn how to make clothing and are interested in dresses and skirts, I highly recommend checking this channel out. Not only are the patterns free (although you may have to adjust the measurements), but the videos have very clear instructions. The person in the videos uses a sewing machine, but these patterns can be sewn by hand if you don't have one.
- PayItForward - Here is another YouTube channel with free patterns, this time mostly for plush animals. Some of the patterns are a bit complicated but the videos are very clear and easy to follow.